Friday, August 15, 2014

This is an oil painting on a portrait.

The colorful pattern and glowing sunshine are signature elements of Frieseke’s work. Frieseke’s paintings of female figures made him one of America’s most popular impressionists.

This picture signifies to me the ultimate goal of every wife, mother and student. Comfort. Relaxation. Peace. Calm. Serenity. Looking at this picture makes me want to go to sleep. lol


  1. Very nice picture. Seems relaxing and serene. Makes me wish I could be there and do this.

  2. I like the use of color in the painting. It's very vivid, but soft and muted at the same time, if that makes sense. Maybe it's just me, but I think she looks like she just sat down. Her cheeks are flushed, she has the look of just flouncing down to finally relax.

  3. I like this picture. I love how relaxed she seems.

  4. I love the color mixture because it is a very soft and light setting, yet when you look closer, you can see how liberal the strokes are. I also wonder what she is thinking, or what is she looking at, very mysterious at the same time.

  5. Really Naomi? "lol" The blend of colors, patterns and scenery does give a since of domestic calm but I am indifferent about relaxation and sleep. I feel that it portrays a sense of responsibility that women have to think about each day and how they handle it with such grace. But this is an enjoyable painting to analyse.

  6. I love the pastel colors the artist used. The entire painting gives off a feeling of peace with the scene going on behind the woman as well as her laid back pose.

  7. i love the painting! i don't know if i would hang it at my home, but, i do like looking at it.. to me it seems like the only 5 minutes (maybe less) that we get to sit and rest before kids come back from school lol i love the idea of me doing that...i like the texture of the painting and the way the artist worked with the oil.

    good job!
