Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Odyssey- Theatre

Odysseus was war hero who conquered Trojan, using a big wood horse gift. When he returns home, Poseidon gets angry at him because he killed his son, and makes return difficult.His travel takes 10 years because of Poseidon and they get sack of winds from Aiolos, which one of crew curiosity opens and it blows them off the end of the earth. They encounter Cyclops, Seirens, Kirke and he also visits the underworld seeing his mother. After several adventures he returns to Ithaka to see his wife Penelope. There was a contest, whoever could string Odysseus' bow gets her. Odysseus comes and accomplishes it and she realizes that it's really him. 

Somehow in middle school I signed up for Theater as an elective. We had to recreate this play. In high school I later went on to read  and watch quite a bit of Ancient Greek literature. I would say it is more interesting to watch then read because through gestures you can understand the plot but reading and understanding it takes effort.

Written by Homer, The Odyssey is a Epic Poem.

The link below gives a brief view of the play.


  1. I agree with you, it is much easier to watch then read. Sometimes I find it difficult to understand what they are saying. But I do find it interesting.

  2. Enjoyed reading this in high school. Now with progress in Computer generated graphics we are able to enjoy some of the masterful film remakes from these classic novels.

  3. I agree with Carol. Some times it is hard to understand the language they used. That would be interesting to see.

  4. my husband loves to read about Greek Mythology, he knows every story! i personally like to read more about Greek Philosophy, it would be nice to go to a play, it sound interesting!
